Monday, October 8, 2007

travelling the world 2

Well, since I decided to review my trips, starting by the Far East, here is a glance of Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, so close and so different... Singapore, almost 0 latitude and a truly developped country, Indonesia, an image of the third world and Thailand exotic and beautiful..

Travelling the world

Now that my daughter Clara is in Greece for 3 months I starded to review my travelling around the world and decided to share some of the nice views. Today, a selection of pictures from one of my favorite countries: China

1 - "british" Hong Kong

2 - Yangtse river

3 - street market

4 - Forbidden city in Beijing
I truly loved China and would like to go back!

Monday, September 24, 2007

a new light weight star is born!

Hi, everybody! I cant say I "am a special one".. actually I was feeling I was being let behind by these new blogspot technologies. So, why not join in? I must say I had some help from a blogger (my youngest daughter). Thats fine! It is always important to catch innovations and to be always ready to learn. And if my daughter can learn how to cook a nice diner from me, I can learn how to start a blog from her - I think this is cooperative learning!
So here I am, a new blogger just after my 60th birthday!
So please get to know me!